"The important thing is not to stop questioning."

Albert Einstein

Introduction to Hoshin Kanri
2 Day Workshop - 16 Participants

Management's top priorities are planning and ensuring that everyone is working on the organization’s key business objectives.  Hoshin Kanri is a tool that helps management successfully realize these top priorities.  This methodology is one of the most powerful planning tools available to organizations today, allowing for breakthrough innovations and continuous improvement. It provides a method for creating a comprehensive deployment strategy between all levels of employees, keeping everyone focused on top priorities in the organization.

This course contains prepares learners to apply Hoshin Kanri methodology in their own organization. Excel templates that can be used to begin a Hoshin Kanri plan.  Students also receive a student workbook recapping all of the information found in the course and numerous examples of types of Hoshin Kanri matrices.  Upon completion of the course exam, students also receive a course certificate. Students are encouraged to work on live examples that can be applied back into the workplace.

Learning Objectives

Module 1 – Introduction to Hoshin Planning

  • Understand the basic definition of Hoshin
  • Outline the difference between daily management and a “Hoshin”
  • Know the history of Hoshin Kanri
  • Understand how Deming’s Plan, Do, Study, and Act model fits into Hoshin
  • Identify who is involved in the Hoshin Kanri planning process

Module 2 – Gathering Data

  • Comprehend the many ways to collect organizational data
  • Know the components included in an environmental scan
  • Identify the components in a SWOT analysis
  • Understand how to gather information from the employees within your organization
  • Know the importance of the “Voice of the Customer”
  • Understand how to measure the organization

Module 3 – The Hoshin Kanri Matrix

  • Recognize the difference between a target and a mean
  • Identify the stages in calculating a Hoshin matrix
  • Understand the methodology behind the relationship matrix
  • State the meaning for the symbols used in a Hoshin matrix
  • Calculate a Hoshin Kanri matrix

Module 4 – Rooms in a Hoshin Matrix

  • Know where specific data goes in a Hoshin matrix
  • Understand all the areas in a Hoshin matrix
  • Review completed Hoshin matrices
  • Understand and identify an “X”matrix

Module 5 – Deploying the Hoshin Plan

  • Define the term “Catch Ball”
  • Know the time frame for the deployment of a Hoshin plan
  • Understand who should be involved in the review process in Hoshin
  • Describe the necessary configuration for Hoshin deployment
  • Explain the components found in an Hoshin Kanri action planning sheet
  • Learn how to analyze actions that sub-optimize organizational effectiveness

Module 6 – Leading in a Hoshin Kanri Environment

  • Understand the role that a leader plays in an organization
  • Identify a leader’s customers in a Hoshin environment
  • Understand the four components to organizational change
  • Define team building as a critical skill set
  • Identify effective organizational communication
  • Recognize the roadblocks to creating an environment that supports Hoshin

Module 7 - Tools Needed in Hoshin: Tree Diagrams

  • Identify the meaning for a tree diagram
  • Understand when to use a tree diagram
  • Identify the steps needed to create a tree diagram
  • Recognize critical guidelines needed for creating a tree diagram

Module 8 – Tools Needed in Hoshin: Affinity Diagrams

  • Define affinity diagrams
  • Identify when to use an affinity diagram
  • State the steps for affinitizing information
  • Describe the critical guidelines for using an affinity diagram

Module 9 – Tools Needed in Hoshin: Cause and Effect Diagrams

  • Define a cause and effect diagram
  • Understand when to use a cause and effect diagram
  • Define the steps in creating a cause and effect diagram
  • Identify the guidelines for using a cause and effect diagram

Module 10 – Tools Needed in Hoshin: Flow Charts

  • Define flow charting
  • Understand when to use a flow chart
  • State the different uses for flow charting
  • Identify the different symbols used in simple flow charting
  • Describe the guidelines for flow charting

Target Audience

Executive Management


Team Leaders


Contact us for details on group pricing - 719.510.5000


The Hoshin Kanri Process
Robust methodology for implementing change...

Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri is a step-by-step strategic planning process. The literal translation of Hoshin Kanri can have several American meanings. "Ho" meaning method or form and "shin" meaning shining needle or compass. Kanri means management or control; a methodology for strategic direction setting.

Hoshin Kanri provides an elegant method for creating a comprehensive communication system between all levels of employees, keeping everyone focused on meeting organizational goals.

Read More About Hoshin Kanri »

Just in Time Training
Work on real issues with content as need it...

Hoshin Kanri Strategic Planning

Work on real time challenges during a facilitated "just-in-time" training session. We believe that the best way to really learn something is to apply it immediately to issues that affect your business.

Team members prepare for group sessions with on-line web based training prior to the live session. Blended learning methodologies are employed to enhance learning and maximize efficiency.

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Organization Development
Change is the only constant in organizational growth...

Strategic Planning and Change Management

Working with executive management teams, we facilitate the groups understanding of the competition, the current environment, and what it will take to become a top performing organization. 

Customized sessions on visioning, missioning, and planning are designed to create a solid road map with tactics that can then be transferred into team charters and communicated throughout the organization.

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We offer workshops in all content areas related to organization development and strategic planning.

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